A ship propels forward by a stern-mounted propeller. Cavitation often occurs on the surface of propellers generating propulsive force, and it may cause hull vibration depending on its occurrence conditions. The propeller performance test evaluates the propulsive performance of the propeller and the cavitation that occurs on the propeller at the stern operating in the wake.
Propeller Performance Test
Commonly known as Propeller Open Water Test (POT), this is a test to confirm the performance of a propeller only. We can also evaluate the performance of propellers with add-ons such as nozzle propellers.
We observe cavitation in non-uniform flow at the stern of a ship and measure the fluctuating pressure and radiated noise in the water caused by cavitation. In observing cavitation phenomena, we do not limit ourselves to conventional stroboscopic observation, but use a high-speed camera, which allows us to observe in more detail.